
Showing posts from December, 2017

How to Survive Staycation in Turkey with Extended Family (and 2 Kids and 1 Husband)

Musings of ways to make time pass when visiting in-laws in foreign country (in my case, Turkey in middle of summer) when you would rather be somewhere else, like Italy. If you get me, you will get it. 1. When the heat is up, turn the AC ON (dial it up to # 26) 2. Bring your laptop (endless options and huge time killer) 3. Your smartphone is your friend (load up your kindle app with easy summer reads, text friends begging for mercy and positive thoughts) 4. Sleep in (waste the entire morning in bed, makes the day go by faster) 5. Escape to the bedroom during the day-- which has AC. (take afternoon nap while everyone else minds your kids (and husband) 6. Late afternoon trip to the sea (good to kill those agonizing late afternoon hours before dinner like 4pm-7pm Turkish time) 7. Fold clothes (when the clothes have reached premium stiffness from hanging out in the Aegean heat, fold em up and put away) 8. Periodically check the weather, like hourly (especially when there...