To Homework, or Not to Homework. Is that the Question?

If Shakespeare were alive today, he may be having the last laugh watching neurotic parents debate about homework -- for elementary school that is. The conversations heard around the school yard goes something like, "What grade does homework start? Why isn't my kid getting homework" Are the other 2nd grade classes getting homework? I heard we were doing away with homework." My first bit of advice is, Relax. As a mom to a first and fourth grader, the amount of homework that journeyed through colorful cardboard folders, through rain, wind, snow and the occasional lost backpack, has been tame. And nobody lost any sleep over it. Recently the homework topic manifested at our parent back to school night when my son's 4th grade teacher explained her homework philosophy. For this year, regular homework will consist of a weekly reading log that goes home on Tuesday and returns completed the following Tuesday. Kids are required to read at least 30 minutes for a minimum ...