Back to Life, Back to School

While technically summer has not officially ended per the astronomical calendar, it's over from a summer school break perspective. Actually, the demise of summer starts around mid-August when humidity is replaced with crisp air and back to school catalogs clog the mailbox. I admit, I was in denial. I wanted the endless summer to prevail, to savor and preserve every ocean wave crash and the velvety sand between my toes.

But there's something to be said about getting back to a routine. For the last few weeks leading up to the start of school, my kids roamed about with wild abandon. Camp ended, and we shipped the kids to my parents for a week. I felt out of sorts. Maybe it was too quiet? Instead of going on long runs in the early evening, I binge watched the Americans. Our big date night in Cambridge was downgraded to suburban dining in Wellesley. I side swiped a metal pole trying to back into a gas pump, tearing the front section of my beamer. We took the last week of August off to be with the kids at my parents for a last hurrah beach extravaganza. I  took a morning yoga class on the beach. And I don't like yoga. I went to Ocean State Job Lot and almost bought a dress, but they were out of my size.

Even though the temps were high in southern RI for the end of August, there was something in the air that felt like Fall was creeping in. Why is that? What really changed? Why does 90 degrees on August 25th feel so different than on July 25th? You instinctively know that it's time. Time for change. After soaking up enough UV rays, we packed up the family and headed home for Labor Day weekend to "prepare" for the school year. And by prepare, I mean clean out all the crap that accumulated over the last ten months. I tossed some of our kids' artwork that accumulated into a huge, neglected pile of stiff paper. The kids got their own bins for the impending new crap, and I managed to fill up 10 garbage bags of old clothes to donate to the VVA.

Now that the first week of school is over, my summer blues have dissipated. I feel energized, focused and eager to write on this blog! Parents and kids survived first day jitters. School calendars have appeared. Sports schedules are set. I've cut out sugar and carbs.

My goal is to keep this blog up weekly. I know you are excited. Me too.


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