Disney or Bust?

Answer: Bust, or maybe Busted? I did not plan on writing a post this weekend because, well, we had plans -- big, magical plans filled with kingdoms, mouse ears, tea cups and childhood fantasy. Our family vacation to Disney world came to a sudden standstill due to Matthew, the nefarious hurricane that barreled up the eastern Atlantic coast. Earlier in the week, I eyed the news and half-heartedly paid attention to the weather. Last Monday, I assumed the hurricane would have passed Florida by Tuesday or Wednesday. On Tuesday night, my daughter meticulously packed her Minnie Mouse carry-on case with shorts and swim suits. She even picked out her airplane outfit. On Wednesday night after I put the kids to bed, I received a jolting email from Jet Blue -- Your Flight Has Been CANCELLED. They even capitalized the "cancelled" part and it felt like I got punched in the gut. "How can this be?" I thought. The Orlando International Airport would be closed from Friday (the day we were supposed to fly out) through Saturday. Trying to reschedule a vacation to Disney is no small feat since you have to plan out every minute of each day months and months ahead. I worked with a Disney travel planner who helped us get specific restaurant reservations and Fast Passes. I did not have the mental capacity or the will to reschedule so my husband and I took a deep breath and decided to cancel. The characters would have to wait for us.

The next morning came the daunting task of telling our kids. We didn't beat around the bush and told them that we could not travel because of the bad storm. My son took the news very matter-of-factly and said, "Yeah, not a good idea to fly into a hurricane. And besides, we would not be able to go swimming in the rain." Like we were only going for the pool? My daughter, on the other hand, did not take it well. The copious rush of tears that poured out of her enormous brown eyes tugged at my soul. So, I quickly seized this classic "Now What" moment to teach my kids a life lesson: Shit Happens. I reminded them that things may not always work out as planned, but we can always look on the bright side. Suddenly, little nuggets of sunshine started to appear for all of us. Here are a few of the amazing things we would do:

  • watch the Red Sox AND Patriots this weekend
  • attend the school's ice cream social and gaga pit tournament
  • go to a birthday party
  • make up a golf lesson that was missed last Saturday due to rain
  • take the kids Halloween shopping on Monday
  • hang out with a friend on Friday night

And even today, we had an impromptu dinner with some cousins and their kids and everyone was smiling and happy.

This experience reminded me of a memorable and favorite childhood book called, Fortunately! by  Remy Charlip about the boy trying to go to a party who's met with some good and bad luck. I remember my mom reading this to me over and over again, so I decided to order it for my kids.I wonder if they will get the irony that Ned, the boy in the book who lives in New York, is invited to a surprise party in Florida. Does he make it? We will soon find out.

And Mickey, until March, we will miss you.

Good night.


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