Return your badge before exiting the building

On March 31, 2013 I kissed my corporate life good-bye. My division was relocated to Dallas so I decided to hang around New England and give myself a little break.  After 20 years working for the man, a gal needs to recharge. Over the last few years, I noticed rapidly advancing gray hairs, diminishing muscle tone, microwaving meals, and BlackBerrying until my fingers bled. Blech! I decided that a few months of leisure would be the panacea to help me sort out the "Now What? portion of this next chapter. And in finding those answers, I am fortunate to have friends who lunch which aides in the discovery process (as does pinot noir at noon).

Here's a glimpse of my last day as a corporate something. Erin has left the building.

My desk never looked so clean!

So, now you know I am a bag lady. Lots of swag to haul home.

The view of Boston harbor from my space on the 9th floor.


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