M - 28

Anyone else glad that March is almost over? Today is Friday and marks the end of the second full week of working from home. TGIF takes on a very different meaning when you are socially isolated. I am craving weekend plans. And by plans, I mean going out to a Mexican restaurant for margaritas with friends. Now my plans may include a quick trip to Market Basket clad in gloves. . 

I got a call this morning from Casey, the rep at Ferguson's plumbing. He called really early and included me on an impromptu conference call with the UPS rep. What a golden opportunity to actually talk to a human at UPS. I practically froze with my cell phone against my ear trying to both understand the UPS woman's heavy Spanish accent while praying my call would not drop. Needless to say, the news was not great. They apologized for taking so long to handle my claim (well beyond the 8-10 day window) and assured me that I would hear back soon. I was then added to the claim communication, whereby I would receive either by email or phone an "update." So the saga continues.

One of the benefits from being at home is having the time to try new recipes. Yesterday I made Ina Garten's Easy Tomato Soup. I must say, it was fabulous and, as the title indicates, very easy. I ended up pureeing it because my kids were not nuts about the tiny bits of chopped onions. It tasted even better today as leftovers. Here's the recipe. And yes, definitely add the heavy cream. 

We have fallen into a new routine of family movie night allowing us to liberally take advantage of Netflix. Tonight's feature film is Monty Python's The Holy Grail. I forgot how much I love crude, British humor. And yes, I will watch Top Chef after the kids go to bed tonight. 

Good Night


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