M - 11 (The Day After)

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday felt like Armageddon with wild weather, crashing trees and unresponsive toilet seats. Things improved today with sunny skies and some new, exciting developments with the renovation. Our contractor received his emergency grant, so he's able to keep his employees on the payroll. That means they will come to the house this Thursday and Friday to finish the trims and other odds and ends. The floor guy will come on Saturday instead of Friday now to finish the floors. Fingers crossed, the electricians will wrap up tomorrow. Ozan is now tasked with going to Home Depot tomorrow morning to get new garage door openers. Let's take a bet if he's able to get there before 9 a.m. My mirrored sliding door is scheduled to arrive next week. I got the FedEx tracking number today. Yesterday I ordered my West Elm furniture for the kitchen lounge, and the rug pad has already shipped. I received my order of cloth masks today! I put the bag in a corner of our house with a collection of other recent deliveries. I call it the decontamination zone where each package has to "rest" for three days. Speaking of deliveries, I picked up my Russo's Big Box order today. We've been low on fresh produce and the big box had everything we need to pump vitamins back into our bodies (it's actually three boxes filled with fruit, veggies, eggs, milk, Iggy's bread and chocolate chip cookies). Nice touch with the tulips too. And that my friends is a wrap. Good Night.


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