M - 18

Say what? We've entered into the teens on the countdown to the Move. Where have I been the last few days? Ya know, the same place you all have been - home.

The plumber installed the toilets and faucets yesterday. I went to the house after dinner last night just to take a peek at everything and of course, forgot to bring my camera. I was so paranoid about avoiding contact with anything. I forgot my gloves and had to open the front door with a Trader Joe's shopping bag. The dishwasher and washing machine were supposedly done today, but I was not able to visit the house this afternoon. The suspense is real. My new quarantine activity will be watching youtube videos on how to use our new, expensive appliances. Do we use the detergent pods instead of liquid detergent? I heard its best to avoid using the Snuggle-like fabric softeners on the front-loader. The pull-out microwave door is going to be insane. This is a whole new world for us as we've been subjected to using dated appliances for the last twelve years. And by dated I'm talking about 1980s style Whirlpool top loading laundry tanks and a microwave with a dial.  Speaking of laundry, anyone else doing crazy amounts of laundry whilst under house arrest? Aside from clothes, I'm washing towels on a daily basis. 

What are you doing to distract from the news or other aspects of the current situation? Let's fess up, escapism is our new realism. I started watching the series Ozark on Netflix. To be honest, I heard about it but didn't know much except for Jason Bateman, my childhood crush from the good old days of Silver Spoons. I started watching it on Sunday night, which explains the lag in blog posts. I watched the first two episodes of Season 1 and I was hooked. It's like the Soprano's of the mid-west minus the capicola. Last night I ended up watching three episodes in a row starting at 9:30 p.m.. Not a great idea to start an episode so late because, like a Lay's chip, you can't be satisfied with just one. 

On another and final note, I went for a walk tonight after dinner in a bit of a frenzy. Nobody got outside all day today. The entire family was bouncing off the walls and starved for fresh air. At 6:45 p.m. everyone scrambled to put on sneakers and dashed out of the house. I really wanted to finish my beer but everyone was halfway down the street. I didn't want to waste my Corona Extra (seriously, all we had, not a coincidence), so I put my glass in the freezer. When we came home Ozan found it half frozen to death, wedged between a bag of green beans and some chicken fingers. As he was about to toss my beer in the sink, I lunged for the glass in a desperate, almost maniacal way and screamed, "I need that!" 

Looking forward to Episode 6.

Good Night!


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